I pretend I'm one of the royal family when I'm in a hotel and that the hotel belongs to me - it is a palace. Martin Short
OROOORO Gold Water can be found in the suits of one of the most expensive hotels in the world, Emirates Palace. Get your Goldest Water while staying there!
Turn your trip to Abu-Dhabi into a fabulous adventure where a thousand of amazing discoveries await you along the way.
We are proud to customize Gold Water for Emirates Palace, a gorgeous oasis amid of the luxurious desert of the UAE capital. The water is presented in each suite. You can take a bottle with you, as a piece of memory, a little sparkling reminder that you have spent a fantastic time in Emirates Palace. Or you can take a sip of the Gold Water and enjoy the gold dust on your lips! As a bonus you will have all the time for your social media. Who doesn’t want to brag about their luxurious lifestyle with a glass of Gold Water in one hand?